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/ Group 42-Sells Out! - The Information Archive / Group 42 Sells Out (Group 42) (1996).iso / ident / canada / sk3.jpg < prev    next >
Joint Photographic Experts Group Image  |  1996-01-16  |  203KB  |  370x464  |  24-bit (71,796 colors)
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OCR: Saskatchewan Driver's Licence Place and Automobile Accident Insurance Certificate havued by Saskatchewan Covernmert Insurance Organ ------- -- Donor Vehicle Administration Act. Decel Here Driver Licence No.(PIC) |Class Endorsements Restrictions 13018569 5 Date of Birth Month Year Sex Haight Eye Colour 18 06 35 M 5 |11 HAZEL Exam Date Month 01 06 88 DDE JOHN BOX 1955 SOMEPLACE SK S2P 6J3 X John Doe +Not valid unless signed by driver (in ink) Date of Day Month Year Issue 30 06 88 Expires JUN 30/89 VALIDATED